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  • Writer's pictureLisa Chai

Week 2: Comprehensive Research

Going into my second week at Letterlark, an innovative startup focused on early literacy development, recent meetings and collaborative efforts have shaped my goals for the summer. In this blog post, I'll provide an overview of our discussions and the challenges encountered.

Building a Strong Team

During our recent meeting, Laura, the marketing head at Letterlark, was introduced to the team. We strategized to divide responsibilities, designating Kate as the social media lead and myself as the website lead. This way, we could focus our work on individual expertise.


One of our essential tasks was conducting a competitor analysis through a comprehensive competitor matrix. This involved examining quantitative measurements, such as social media followings, as well as qualitative measures, such as visual aesthetic and thematic analysis. The insights gained from this analysis have helped us identify areas where we can excel and differentiate ourselves in the market.

Additionally, we were fortunate to receive valuable feedback from clinic mentors who were impressed with our work. This positive reinforcement not only validated our efforts but also motivated us to push forward with confidence.

Moving Forward

In our next meeting, I plan to outline the tasks that lie ahead for the remainder of the summer to create a website for Letterlark. A clear roadmap would ultimately allow us to work backward and establish a timeline to achieve our end goal effectively. In addition, I am also focused on narrowing down our user demographic to ensure our website aligns with the target audience's needs and preferences.


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