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  • Writer's pictureLisa Chai

Week 3: Website Wireframing

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

In this week's update, our focus remained on refining the Competitor Matrix and making progress with the website wireframing. Collaborating closely with Kate, my intern partner, we delved into social media posting consistency across various platforms within the Competitor Matrix. Simultaneously, I started outlining the website's look and feel through wireframing.

Before wireframing, I carefully examined visual elements, information hierarchy, and the target audience for competitors' websites. This exercise allowed me to identify design elements that resonated with Letterlark's vision and those that didn't. With my findings, I sketched a wireframe and sought valuable feedback from Laura, our Head of Marketing at Letterlark. Her input provided me with guidance and new tips to enhance my design approach.

During the wireframing process, I realized the importance of understanding Kristy's intended audience and goals for Letterlark. Is she targeting researchers to collaborate on the product, or is she seeking to attract potential investors? These crucial insights would shape the website's tone and visual aesthetics. In our recent meeting with Laura, she proposed conducting a questionnaire with Kristy to gain a deeper understanding of our target audience, which we plan to tackle in next week's meeting.

As we progress further, I hope to shift our focus away from research and dive more in-depth into digital content strategy and setting up some social media accounts.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the coming weeks!


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